Desde este martes transitamos La Semana del Libro, en la que los alumnos de primaria se involucran de lleno en el mágico mundo de la lectura. Este año, como conmemoración del 150 aniversario de la maravillosa historia Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland, recibimos...
The 2015 edition of the Science Fair took place on 12th August and sixteen students represented our school on behalf of 5th and 7th form. They proudly made their presentations which they enjoyed and shared with other 33 highly prestigious bilingual schools. We...
Les dejamos algunos cuentos y canciones en inglés para ver y compartir en familia: Good Night Gorilla: The very Hungry Caterpillar: Brown Bear, what do you see? Are you my mother?...
Good nutrition and a balanced diet help us grow up healthy. The only way the body will get the many nutrients needed to stay healthy and function is by eating a wide variety of healthy foods. EAT WELL, STAY WELL. Watch the Dragon Tails campaign!...
Last Monday, Jeremiah Joseph Cronin paid us a visit. Jerry is the Manager of Cooperative Education at University of Limerick. He visited our school in order to evaluate the performance of Luke and Rosie, who did an internship with Beth School. Rosie and Luke worked...
Good oral and dental hygiene can help you avoid cavities and tooth decay. When you brush your teeth, you help remove food and plaque. Forever friends recommend brushing your teeth at least twice a day. Watch their campaign!